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✔椰子油—硬油 Coconut Oil (Shelf life more than 1 year, fractionated coconut oil shelf life indefinite)
椰子油得自乾椰子肉(Copra),來自椰子(Cocos nucifera)。新鮮椰肉亦可使用。這是一種淡黃色或無色非乾式油,於攝氏20℃以下會呈現固狀。椰子油用於肥皂、化粧品或盥洗用品、製造潤滑 油脂,人工洗濯劑、洗衣及清潔用品以及製造脂肪酸、脂肪醇、甲基酯類等。精煉椰子油可以食用並且用在如人造奶油、膳食補充等產品。
椰子油可說是做手工皂不可缺少的油脂之一,富含飽和脂肪酸,可做出洗淨力強、質地硬、顏色雪白且泡沫 多的香皂。但洗淨力很強的皂難免會讓皮膚感覺乾澀,所以使用份量不宜過高,建議不要超過全油脂 的20%~30%左右。 Soapqueen.com recommends 25% or 15% for sensitive skin, no need to heat up the entire container
Fractionated Coconut Oil
More stable than traditional Coconut Oil, Fractionated Coconut Oil contains only the medium triglycerides, which means that it won’t ever turn solid. It is a great carrier for essential oils and it often used in scrubs. This clear and lightweight oil can be used in cold process soaps up to 30% though it contributes to a more soft bar and does not have the same cleansing and bubbling abilities of solid Coconut Oil.
✔棕櫚油—硬油 Palm Oil (Shelf life 1 year)
棕櫚油是油料棕櫚果肉中取得的植物脂肪。主要來源是非洲油料棕櫚,它原產於熱帶非洲,亦產於中 美洲、馬來西亞及印尼等地。棕櫚油經由萃取或壓榨取得,且依其狀態以及是否經過精煉,可有各種 不同的顏色。它們含有相當高的棕櫚酸及油酸,與得自相同油料棕櫚的棕櫚仁油是可以藉此加以分辨的。